Mommy T's adventures; bringing up Baby T

Category: Women Stuff (Page 1 of 2)

‘Under The Influence’ – A surprisingly simple & practical guide to succeeding online – My Review

Miss Malini is certainly a name you have heard of before. But I felt even more connected to this lovely lady, as she took me, the reader down memory lane – back to the good old days of ICQ and when asking someone “ASL?” was the norm. This was long before we became Insta-influencers and thought it perfectly sane to share advice about the various shades of baby poop and how to wash diapers. How far have we walked down the digital revolution lane! In her latest book ‘Under the Influence’ Miss Malini talks of the perils we all face when we choose to live digital lives and are faced with our dreaded TROLLS. Not a stranger to this phenomenon, Miss Malini offers practical solutions on ‘How to Survive and Thrive Online.’

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An introduction to sustainable menstruation products

According to the book Flow: The Cultural Story of Menstruation, the average woman throws away 250-300 pounds of disposable period products such as pads and tampons during her lifetime. On average, it amounts to about 0.5% of the total trash thrown away by that person.

Does it make a difference to switch to reusable period products? 0.5% doesn’t really seem like a big amount. But, I’m a believer in small changes equaling a big impact on the environment. Imagine the possibilities if a reusable period product was in the hands of every single menstruating person in the world? Continue reading

Support groups – finding strength in social media

Most parenting is about receiving conflicting opinions from people around you. Your own parents and grandparents give you information from a time where most things were natural, homegrown and uncompromised. While you want to believe and follow much of their wisdom we find that most of it is not practical or available today. Speaking of friends, colleagues and peers, you may not have babies around the same time or maybe geographically scattered. Parenting philosophies also may not match. How then do you gain information, that has been tested by application and proven to give results? How do you find support in situations which you know your friends and family may not understand or have experience in? Continue reading

Mom-hair – decoding the secrets

**This is a sponsored post. However the theme of the blog post & content/ opinions are all mine.**

Pre-conception, pregnancy, motherhood and then parenting! Women go through so much in these phases. The one pain point that women have at the end of all these episodes is “Mom-Hair” Mom-hair isn’t pleasant. It isn’t pretty to look at (most of the times anyway.) Mom-hair isn’t easy to be charmed back to life. It is certainly the mother’s crown because mom-hair gets stuff done. But ask any new mom if she is happy with her mom-hair crown and she will weep buckets of tears. Continue reading

8 questions about Menopause every woman must ask

“Almost 40” I declare proudly sometimes. I am not afraid to admit my age and that I had my first child when I was well into my 30s (past my mid-30s even :P) To tell you the truth it is a little difficult at times running behind an active toddler. Aching knees and joints are not fun. But what really scared me the other day is when I heard of a friend, obviously around the same age as me, tell me that she has entered her menopause. I have to admit I was clueless about the onset of menopause and that prompted me to read up more about it.

Menopause is a natural condition which women experience around or after the age of 40, just before or after she stops menstruating. It is accompanied by a range of symptoms including hot flashes, insomnia, skipped or irregular periods, depression, mood swings and irritability, fatigue, vaginal dryness, joint and muscle pains, change in libido, racing heart, headache and reduced bladder control. Continue reading

6 Reasons Why You Must Travel With Your Mom Friends

This one is for all you mommy bloggers … or anyone with a clan of mommy friends actually!

Sun, sea, sand & soul sisters. That’s what my recent getaway to a popular beach destination, with 2 of my Mom Blogger BAEs was all about. It was the first time I was out with my gang of girls (Yep, I have never travelled with my girlies before.) I came back with the realization of how much I have missed in my youth by not travelling and I do intend to make up for it now. But the best part is, all my life I (and most of us too) made “Goa chaltey hein!” plans which NEVER worked out. This one did!! We thunk it, made it happen and went and did it and lived to tell the tale. 

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Great things happen when women support each other: Being a woman in India in 2017

I am in a happy place in life right now. Everything in my life is surely not perfect, but I am happy. As I sat down to write about this topic I realised that I am lucky indeed to be living the life I am right now. I am a woman in 2017 who is living life on her own terms. It may not be a bed of roses, but this is my happy place and I revel in it. It brings me immense pleasure to share that I, along with 24 other bloggers are celebrating #9daysofwomanhood throughout Navratri. I thank Harneet Khurana for setting the stage for me. I loved her blog Sublime Messages on the prompt for today which is Being a Woman in India in 2017.  Continue reading

MomsCo – Pamper time for Moms

Raise your hand if the moment you discovered you were pregnant you decided that you would do everything possible to care for and protect the little bean slowly growing inside you. And now raise your other hand if you suddenly found that none of the bath and body products you were using felt safe or natural to be used during pregnancy. Hey you look a little silly with both your hands up. You can relax and let me tell you about these wonderful company which makes great products. Its called The MomsCo and its one of the first Indian companies which makes bath and body products for Moms to be and new moms. Continue reading

Review: Matrika’s Creative Woman’s Journal – Write

When a fellow mommy in our Mom Blogger Chatter group told us about the Matrika’s Creative Woman’s Journal review contest I was intrigued. What a lovely way to market a product? But that was not all there was to it. The journals themselves were breathtakingly beautiful. I was truly spoiled for choice to select one, but finally settled on the Write series. The deep red colour with the golden polka dots and the feather plume on the cover page felt like the right choice for me and my new avatar as a blogger. Continue reading

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