Mommy T's adventures; bringing up Baby T

Great things happen when women support each other: Being a woman in India in 2017

I am in a happy place in life right now. Everything in my life is surely not perfect, but I am happy. As I sat down to write about this topic I realised that I am lucky indeed to be living the life I am right now. I am a woman in 2017 who is living life on her own terms. It may not be a bed of roses, but this is my happy place and I revel in it. It brings me immense pleasure to share that I, along with 24 other bloggers are celebrating #9daysofwomanhood throughout Navratri. I thank Harneet Khurana for setting the stage for me. I loved her blog Sublime Messages on the prompt for today which is Being a Woman in India in 2017. 


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I don’t read the newspapers or watch the news. I am not scared or fed up of reading only the negative news out there in the world. My reason for doing so is actually a very simple one. My son began chewing on newspapers once he started crawling. It was this fear of bleached, white paper and toxic paint printed on it which made me summon the newspaper wallah and tell him we are done. I now live in a cocoon of sorts and rely purely on social media for my news, updates, and information. The biggest advantage of this is that I can scroll by if something doesn’t interest me or is disturbing.

But this gives me a unique chance to look at my own life and highlight what it means to me to be a woman in India in 2017.

With this view in mind, I was awake till 4 am last night thinking about how to translate what I feel into words and sadly the free flow of words was missing. Some of it was purely from the exhaustion of running behind a toddler all day and from work demands. But most of it from an innate sense that my life is no longer about MY LIFE. Becoming a mother changed something very fundamental inside me and that was the realization that my life was not my own. Everything I did was not for my own self. My skills and talents are utilized for the good of my child, my family, my extended family, my blog readers, my social media followers, the businesses I support and most importantly the WOMEN whose life I want to touch & support.

Just as suddenly as Motherhood dawned upon me, so did multiple mom friends and the various subgroups that existed within those. Moms who delivered in the same month as I did, moms who live in the same area as I do, moms who blog, moms who cook, moms who baby wear, moms who cloth diaper. I woke up one fine day to see that I had hundreds of mom friends. But all were united in one cause to love, support and help each other along the way. I wrote about one such group of people who do just that in my post about A Facebook group.

Mommy bloggers, mom influencers,

Our team of mommy bloggers and influencers

I have learned from life’s experiences that it is women who pull each other down. However becoming a mother also taught me that great things happen when women support each other.  Being a part of several mom support groups I myself have found solace and support in hard or challenging times. My problems have been minor but I have also witnessed women with serious issues such as domestic abuse, lack of financial security and such hard times, find solutions to their woes and emerge to live life on their own terms. If this is not the power of women then what is. I would like to believe that Being a woman in India in 2017, is not about getting one up on each other but lending support and helping each other.

In my course of mommying babyT I have also had the immense joy of being associated with women run companies which make baby products. Superbottoms cloth diapers and Soul who make baby carriers are two such companies which were dreamt of by women, set up, and given life to.

Their businesses arose from their role as a mother when they realised that there was a need in the market for a product which would allow mothers to be better caregivers to their little children while at the same time not compromise on their individual dreams and aspirations. Not only are these two companies run by women but they go a long way to provide opportunities to other moms like them and even underprivileged women who are in need of livelihood.

Chinmayie Bhat of Soul says, “Soul came into being because I believed babywearing empowers us. Running a staff composed entirely of working mothers, I am learning every day how babywearing helps fulfil dreams indirectly too.
Soul empowers the mothers who use them and the mothers who make them!”


While India and the world are from the utopian idea of equality between the sexes and a world where the majority of women truly live life on their own terms, I think a change is on the anvil. A positive environment where women love, support and help each other grow is one which is on the brink of great success. A woman can do anything if she puts her mind to it and that shall be evident soon enough.

Hop on over to PrettyMumma Says to see  Surbhi Mahobia’s perspective on being a woman in India in 2017.

I want to take my Alexa Rank to the next level with My Friend Alexa. My current rank as of today is globally at  2,843,546 and 145,364 in India.


  1. Charu Gujjal

    Wonderful post, Tara. And totally agree with you. Women supporting and helping each other grow isn’t utopian anymore. It’s something real, that’s happening in this era. Cheers to the spirit of womanhood!

  2. Upasana

    Wow you write so well. So inspiring

  3. Surbhi

    Absolutely loved reading your blog. Social media is a boon for mothers like us who are absolutely pragmatic in their approach towards bringing up their kids. It’s an outlet for a lot of us and a great source for finding support and advise when needed. On the other hand, mompreneurs are slowly and gradually bridging the gap between needs and wants of modern women. Great read!

  4. liz

    Great blog post. Thank you for sharing. I love uplifting posts like these.

  5. Harneet

    Loved the line where you mention that – women pull each other down. This is something i have experienced myself.. Not once but so many times.
    Loved reading the post..well.written.

  6. Harneet

    Loved the line where you mention that – women pull each other down. This is something i have experienced myself.. Not once but so many times.
    Loved reading the post..well.written.

  7. Aya

    There’s something about being a mom that gives us some kind of instant connection with other moms. It’s so nice to know that a lot of moms are supporting other moms such as women supporting one another.

  8. Anisha Agrawal

    Totally agree with each and every thing you have written.. Its time to support each other rather pulling down !!

  9. Maria Abdul (the lyrical momma)

    This post shows no lack of free flowing words and it is truly inspiring! Women run the world all the way!

  10. Soumya

    Lively post Tara.. Women supporting other women and uplifting them is a wonderful thing to know, and great that you were a part of these initiatives..

  11. Preetjyot Kaur

    Loved reading your post Nayantara. I agree women of today come out to support each other. It’s rare now a that people judge each other.

  12. Ophira

    I can go on and on on this topic but let’s just say you voiced my opinion on this. Motherhood is challenging as is, finding the right support especially in like minded women is so powerful to a woman. I have seen it change lives. We can never underestimate the power of women forming support groups ?

  13. Neha @growingwithnemit

    Loved reading your take on being a woman, I completely agree with your point if we women support each other, definitely great things will happen.

  14. Sanjivini

    What a well written post. I too feel that being a woman makes me obligated to support other women. Women who pull each other down deserve a special place in hell

    • mommyingbabyt

      Thank you for reading Sanjivini

  15. Mahak @BabyandBeyond

    So well put. Motherhood can be isolating, especially in the initial few months. Being able to find an online tribe of moms who support, encourage and motivate me and don’t judge has been pivotal in my motherhood journey.

    • mommyingbabyt

      So true. I think all I know about parenting has been learnt online from ATV ?

  16. Deepali

    Inspirational post indeed !!! Women can do wonders with each others support. It’s time yo take stand for each other.

    • mommyingbabyt

      Thank you for reading Deepali

  17. Nupur

    Newspapers are often outdated- social media often breaks news first these days. My husband prefers to read the paper online.

  18. ashwin

    Social media is indeed a prolific source of information. Good to know about women’s groups.

  19. Vasantha Vivek

    Great post on a good cause, Tara. Women excel in supporting and helping fellow women. We should realize our inner power for that. Happy to join with you for #MyFriendAlexa !!!

  20. monika

    wonderful words ….Lets all stand in support of each other …..lets celebrate womanhood

  21. Khyati Gulati Tewari

    Very well written post dear. It’s true that we pull each other down but in this predominantly male dominant society we women have to look out for each other. Loved the blog post.

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