Mommy T's adventures; bringing up Baby T

A year with baby

BabyT is fast approaching two. I have seriously no idea how the time flew and now it is almost time for us to get him prepared for big people stuff like not peeing in diapers and going to a place outside of home i.e school. However the prompt for today’s blog post on the first year of baby for the 9 Days of Womanhood writing challenge took me back to those days where he had just arrived in our lives and we were still learning the basic roles of nurturing a baby. I thank Harneet Khurana for setting the stage for me. I loved her blog Sublime Messages on the prompt for today. And don’t forget to visit  PrettyMumma Says to see  Surbhi Mahobia’s perspective on her first year with baby.



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The first year was all about learning for us… of course parenting is always a learning process and an evolution. I think I still teach my parents a thing or two. (wink) But in the first year, we were totally clueless about every tiny thing. Right from how to feed the baby to change his diaper to burping him to cooking for him to reading to him or playing with him. Every new developmental spurt that came along for babyT seemed to challenge us too to learn new skills to appease his newly acquired abilities.

Being a stay at home parent, I got to experience babyT’s growing up minutely and gradually. I witnessed him take his first crawl, standing up and cruising and walking. I heard his first cry, his gurgle and his word (Daddah, of course.) He went from being a wrinkly, baby acne covered baby to a chubby-cheeked lil ball of fluff. I saw his first grasp, his first spoon to mouth and first sip from a straw. I may have forgotten to take many of these pics or they have been blurred, but they have been etched into my mind’s eye forever.

I think I also spent quite a lot of time from babyT’s first year Brexting.

Brexting (noun/informal) for texting or browsing the internet, while breastfeeding.

Nursing sessions would run so long sometimes that I would need to do something other than just breastfeed. That definitely did not mean I loved my boy any less or that I neglected him. However I did spend a lot of time on the internet reading up about all things baby – cloth diapering, babywearing, breastfeeding and baby led weaning (I must remember to do a post on this soon.) And it honestly made me feel more confident of my role as a mother especially when I returned to my marital home from my mom’s and had no one else around at home to help me with taking care of babyT. So whoever shamed brexting moms, go take a walk.

The first year has also been challenging. I had shelved many of my dreams, aspirations and passions. Back then I felt life as I knew it, was over. I had had visions of the future of me an old woman who had long forgotten herself and how life was plain simple boring. Oh, but those days of shelving plans and dreams were short-lived. Because once we crossed the one-year mark, life changed and how? That has been an interesting journey too and I shall come back to share it some day soon.

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  1. Keerthi Vydyula

    Motherhood is indeed a boon! It is only from parents that we get unconditional love… i wish all happy years with babyT ahead ?

  2. Opinionated Mua

    Learnt a new word. Brexting. ? Wonderful reading your journey, wish you and the baby happiness and health. He’s sucha cutie. ?

  3. Anchal

    Our first year just flew by. From crawling to cruising and now running behind the little one. Loved reading your journey. Love to baby T and more power to you.

  4. Harneet

    aww. This is such a heartfelt post. I know how it feels with them especially the never-ending sessions. I hope u makeup on all the dreams that were shelved and wishing – u have an amazing future full of joy and countless memories. God Bless.

  5. Alpana Deo

    First year is always special and full of surprised. Actually babies who grow into a toddler and then ore schooler always have something or other to surprise us..

  6. Disha

    Looks like an interesting first year of parenting. Hope you enjoy more in the coming years. ?

  7. Minakshi bajpai

    Beautifully written post. Loved to read your journey with baby. Hope many coming years also like this.

  8. Mayuri Nidigallu

    Congratulations to you and Baby T for championing the 1st year!:) You did great!:)

  9. Charu Gujjal

    The first year is always the year of learning. Loved reading your post.

  10. Agnivo

    Congratulations for a fabulous one year with your baby. All the best for the future endeavours!

  11. Mansi Laus Deo

    I do feel that my “working” mother (home and outside) had little time for me. However, I also feel that had she not been the woman she is, a successful and respected teacher and a powerful homemaker, I wouldn’t have shared such rapport with her. The little we had was sweeter than anything else in the world.
    And she became a brilliant paradigm of what an independent woman who is also a loving mother is supposed to be.
    I would advise you to continue your own journey too while your kid grows up. You’ll always be a mother first, but after your son sleeps or is not around, don’t forget to be a woman!

  12. Gayatri

    That’s a wonderful age to be at ! The marvel of new discoveries, running amok where heart takes them. Toddlers have the most wonderful life.

  13. Surbhi

    Brexting!!! That was the only way I could get through my bf sessions too. Loved the term. Enjoyed reading your experience. Thanks for sharing.

  14. Tina Sequeira

    Hi Nayantara! Good to meet you via Alexa campaign. This is such a relatable post. As you rightly pointed out, Motherhood is a life-changing experience. It teaches you so much and you learn something new everyday. It is a blessing and a responsibility. And, I believe all mothers are naturally privileged and should live up to their role as nation builders. Love and Cheers!

  15. Upasana

    Loved this brexting. Even I had done a lot.

  16. SIPGullak

    The experience of bringing up a young one is exquisite.. I too have booted my 14 year corporate life and now a fulltime dad and an Investment Advisor


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