Mommy T's adventures; bringing up Baby T

On the eve of World Breastfeeding Week 2017

It makes me very emotional to be here once again, on the eve of World Breastfeeding Week. Emotional because this is the second time I am going to be writing about how I feel about breastfeeding and my experiences with breastfeeding babyT who is now almost a toddler. And also because it seems like this may be the last time we participate from a first-hand perspective. BabyT is already showing signs of reduced need for my milk, but again I am overjoyed to know that this is something that comes from within him and not by way of my forced weaning. The beauty of natural parenting continues to surprise me repeatedly.

Blogging about breastfeeding during World Breastfeeding Week 2016 was one of the earliest self designed and led blogging marathons I did on MommyingbabyT. I will admit that I didnt know it was called a blogging marathon then. Hahah. In my defense it was only my second month blogging. But I loved writing about it. My poem on Breastfeeding was also widely shared on social media.

More than that I was even more impressed when many new moms told me of how it gave them the courage and strength to persist on their breastfeeding journey.

This year I hope to do justice to my track record and blog some more about breastfeeding. I will rekindle some early breastfeeding memories and introduce some new toddler breastfeeding joys.

I said it last year too and I feel the same today, on the eve of World Breastfeeding Week 2017 – breastfeeding is a beautiful gift we are bestowed with. Let’s not allow the idle old wives tales, half baked knowledge of your well meaning family members, doctors who were not taught about it as a curriculum and the white collared people at the formula company, tell you otherwise.  ?


  1. Rupali

    Look forward to reading this

  2. vatsala

    Your belief in breast feeding and perseverance against all odds is commendable. I am sure many new moms around you must have been inspired by your example.

  3. priyadarshani Panda

    yay would love to read more and loved the last line,,,my mom read this poem and thought it was too good and straight from a mother heart

  4. Jiya B

    Breastfeeding is an amazing phase for a moms life. I loved the poem you wrote on Breatfeeding. Its full of emotions and a mom being busy with her little one. Loved it.

  5. manveen

    I was not able to breastfeed my son because he was intolerant to lactose..But I can totally resonate with your feelings when you say this. With my second one, I experienced the joy for 5 months and then had to stop because I fell ill. I look forward to your posts.

  6. Udita Saklani

    I am looking forward to your posts Tara, cos frankly speaking I didn’t enjoyed my phase , as I should have done it! But hey no complaining , I will relive it through your blogs

  7. Dipika

    I love wrote have read them so many times still look new and refreshing. Amazing post – breastfeed is essential we all know that but how to make it a mission and fo it even when you yourself in pain is hat’s off lady

  8. Rakhi Parsai

    Breastfeeding is one of the mosts beautiful experience that women can ever get in her life. She should truly not get influenced by what others have to say. I loved the poem immensely. Way to go. Looking forward to reading more on breastfeeding in coming days from MommyingbabyT

  9. Minakshi Bajpai

    This is a very emotional post. I am in a exact same emotional phase as you are. These breastfeeding days are lovely memories which will be there with us forever.

  10. Deepa

    Beautiful poem. Breast feeding is something which makes new moms feel good but on the other side, it’s not easy at all especially until the time the baby starts taking it properly. I also have so many memories with my daughters.

  11. Mamma Bear | Nikita

    That poem is amazing!!! And sooo true! Here’s to breastfeeding our babies till our babies want it and till our bodies allow it. ❤️

  12. Shubhreet Kaur | Raising Karma Blog

    You know Tara, I too firmly believe in breastfeeding for as long as possible and am a mom of a breastfeeding toddler. However, the same way I was put under pressure to breastfeed my baby initially, I am not put under pressure to wean her off since she is a toddler. I constantly hear comments on how I have stretched it too long. I still remember your instagram post on feeding T as a toddler and it gave me strength to stand up to the criticism. Your post instills my faith in my choice even more. Thanks for being an inspiration!

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