Mommy T's adventures; bringing up Baby T

Tag: milk allergy

Culinary Cornerstones: Dairy free cooking alternatives

If you’ve been keeping up with the previous blog posts on this topic of Dairy Free living, then you will know that giving up dairy can be quite a challenging prospect. This is because a lot of dairy products are used as cooking essentials. Think butter for frying, yoghurt for marinating, cheese in sauces. A dairy free world then seems unimaginable. But for many this is not a choice, its a necessity. Hence finding dairy free cooking alternatives is the first step to adopting a dairy free lifestyle.

Milk, butter, cheese, yoghurt, cream are present in almost every cuisine and in all types of recipes – be it cakes & baking or in main courses, with meats, carbs or even in drinks such as milkshakes or the summer favourite spiced buttermilk. It is very easy to find substitutes for all of these and to suit the ingredients that the recipes call for. It may take a while for you to adapt to the slight change in flavour that comes with a dairy free diet. In the case of our son who has never been able to taste milk based products, due to his milk protein allergy, the adoption has been seamless.

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Back to Basics: Benefits of Going Dairy-free

It is estimated that around 2 to 3% of the population have a dairy allergy. 50% of children with cow’s milk allergies were also allergic to other foods. Additionally, a recent study by Hindustan Times highlighted that almost 60% of the Indian population had a lactose intolerance. Dairy allergies are more common than you may think and it becomes necessary for a large section of people to opt for dairy-free diets. In a land where milk and its allied products are considered next to God, the prospect of adopting a dairy-free diet seemed unthinkable even to us. But in practice we have realized that it may have been a God-send to not consume dairy after all – especially the milk which is far from its pure, Godly form that it once used to be. Maybe there are some solid benefits of a dairy free diet.

Yes enough research has been done to show that milk and the related products contain several nutrients that are good for the body and especially for the growth and development of children. But there are ALTERNATIVES and milk is not as essential as it is made out to be. A dairy-free diet can be healthy, nutritious and with some good planning can stand up to all the goodness and more that can come from including dairy in your diet.

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Nursing strikes by babies – every parent’s worst nightmare

Heard of nursing strikes by babies? My son is now well into his toddler-hood. He is a good eater but of all the things that stress me out about his growing days is when he decides to be picky about his food. The first hunger strike when he was a baby baffled me. How could an infant who survived only on breast milk, decide not to consume anything at all. I tore my hair out and proclaimed myself to be the worst mother on this planet. Then just as it had arrived, it went away too and he was more than happy to go back to nursing like nothing had ever happened.

Nursing strikes in babies, and toddlers do occur. They happen for many reasons, can last from a day or two to weeks and there’s little you can do to pull them out of it. When they are ready they go back to normal again. Continue reading

Traveling with milk allergy – food tips & ideas

Here are 3 photos of my son Tasmai (babyT) on our annual ritual of a family holiday in Goa, India. He’s aged 9.5 months, 19 months and 34 months here. We (as do many people) have to do at least one trip to Goa each year and we are glad that babyT has joined in our fun too. When I look at this collage of pics from the 3 holidays however, I realize  how it is becoming increasingly complex to manage his food allergies (milk) and take care of his meals. Traveling with milk allergy is not easy but we did it and very well too.

traveling with milk allergy, dairy allergy, milk allergies in kids, milk sensitivity, travel tips, traveling with kids, traveling with children, traveling with babies, babies who are allergic, allergic babies, allergies, food allergies

Traveling with milk allergies can be a daunting task. This year our holiday showed us that it will be difficult for our child to travel and eat comfortably like normal people do, but it is still not impossible to find the right alternatives and have a good time. This prompted me to write this blog post so as to help others find support and help.

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Stop before you self-diagnose baby’s feeding issues

When I wrote my post about milk allergies in infants I got many questions from worried mothers. They shared symptoms they saw in their baby and asked me if it was a sign of feeding issues in babies such as a milk or lactose intolerance. Although I have gone through similar experiences with my baby, I am no medical expert in this field. So, one advise I gave all these concerned mothers was that they consult their paediatrician, an allergist or an infant nutritional expert to check for feeding issues in babies. Today, I want to talk about some of the common feeding issues in babies and what they imply.

I know it can be terrifying to think that your baby has a feeding issue. But always remember that only a doctor is qualified to advise you about the right course of action. Whether you should move to formula or switch to a lactose-free formula is something that your doctor will tell you to do. Self-diagnosis by reading up online is a complete no. Continue reading

0 to 2: the critical years to boost baby’s IQ

Pregnancy is a time when the mother-to-be is encouraged to eat nutritious food for the healthy overall development of the baby. However, it is not just the physical development that is important. Baby IQ development is less focussed on as an objective, but one that is critical too. The time frame between conception to 2 years of age is when the maximum baby brain development happens. Thus it is critical that both the pregnant mother and the infant and toddler receive the best and the right kind of nutrition.

In recent years DHA has found a special place in the health food supplements rack. While DHA is not new to us – a famous brand of cod liver oil was given to most of us in our childhood, it is being seen as crucial nutrition for expectant moms and old people alike. The reason being that DHA has a direct impact on the development of brain power & proper functioning of the brain. Continue reading

No Milk Please! – Milk sensitivities in infants

This last week we had a bitter experience dining out with our son, again!! We asked and gave a million assurances, instructions and warnings that the food we ordered for him should not contain dairy as our son has milk allergies. However, babyT still broke out into hives with the first spoon of his meal. I had to rush back home to administer his emergency medication, soothe him, find ways to decongest his nasal blockage & generally comfort him so that he felt better – physically and emotionally.

I am shocked at how unaware people in the food industry are about food allergies and intolerances. Mainstream dining and food products still contain the major allergen MILK. And that brings me to the topic of discussion today milk allergies in infants.

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