Hi there, It’s not really my birthday today. But it is the 1000th day of my life in the real world, outside my mommy’s tummy. And that calls for a celebration. Well, at least my mom thinks so! And I’m just going with it. After all, who can say no to a celebration with balloons, gifts and pampering? So while my mom stays up late at night and blows air into those very balloons, I thought I’d pen down a letter, to all those who think it would be interesting to hear a baby (my mom refuses to call me a toddler still) share his thoughts on what it is like to be a 1000 days young. A 1000 days is a long time and I have already been through a lot. I am a curious little man and I love to talk all day long, so why not review this interesting life I’ve led till now.

So, here goes…

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