Mommy T's adventures; bringing up Baby T

Tag: Children’s health

#WarriorMoms are not afraid of Influenza

BabyT joined playschool in January this year. Since then we have seen rapid development in many of his skills – communication, fine motor and gross motor. However, there was also a flipside to this. Out of the 10 weeks that he has been there, he has missed school for 2 weeks. The reason was recurrent colds and one particularly bad episode of flu. It left me wondering whether the payoff was worth it. I even considered pulling him out of school.I constantly worried – how can I improve my child’s immunity?

I also read up all I could about influenza. Continue reading

5 simple ways to enhance nutrition in your child’s meal

National Nutrition Week is celebrated every year from 1st to 7th September. The initiative was conceptualised by the central government in 1982 to talk about the causes, effects, and the solutions to malnutrition. The theme of the program varies every year. This year the theme is ‘Better Child Health’ and focuses on addressing issues related to undernutrition in the first 1000 days of a child’s life. Children’s nutrition is a crucial factor which determines the quality and well being of the adults that they will grow into.

In the first 6 months or 180 days, of a child’s life, the sole nutrition should come from milk. The government and other regulatory & informative bodies have been working hard to propagate the virtue of breastmilk for babies should attain prime importance. In practice, while most are fairly successful in achieving this milestone, they are stumped when it comes to nutrition in the days proceeding the 6 months where other foods are introduced for baby. Even well-meaning & determined caregivers find themselves at a loss when it comes to children’s nutrition . Continue reading

Home cooked meals for baby – Healthy Parenting

One of the biggest side effects of parenthood for our family, if there can be such a thing, has been healthy eating. And at that, eating home cooked food. We didn’t resolve the moment we had a baby to do this but it has happened by way of us following many principles of new age parenting.

It all started when I was pregnant. The moment I broke the happy news to my mother she shipped me off to her house and home cooked 4 meals daily for me. All wholesome, with freshly bought vegetables & meats and hot off the gas to my plate. My father played his role by going to the market twice a day to buy the day’s special. My mother ensured that the crucial first trimester of my pregnancy was spent under her directive i.e. to eat right and healthy.

Then along came baby. Continue reading

Malaria – Symptoms & treatment for children

Malaria in children the word itself is enough to strike terror into the hearts of all parents. One of the most common discussions on mom support groups on Facebook and Whatsapp these days is how to prevent young children from being bitten by the malaria mosquito. Children, as it is, have a developing immunity and are worst affected. Malaria in children from 6 months to 5 years is especially a cause of concern. Therefore, recognising the signs and symptoms of malaria and seeking timely medical intervention, are of utmost importance. Malaria can be kept at bay by being careful and vigilant of the child’s environment. Continue reading

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