Thinking of investing in a new vehicle for you and your kids to regularly have fun day trips?
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Blame Mumbai’s roads which seem to be undergoing an overhaul and maintenance all throughout the year or the ambitious interconnected Metro project, living in this city has become an absolute nightmare.
No wait, let me correct that, travelling in Mumbai has. Or even better, add a baby or restless toddler to that car and you, rather than the kids will ask “Are we there yet?” I now dread any sort of car trips with my toddler. That’s when I asked myself wouldn’t anyone be frustrated, irritated and plain simple mad if they were stuck in traffic jams at any point of time of the day, not just rush hour. Yes I can happily Instagram my time away but what about my child? What was needed was some super simple fun to make car trips bearable again. And ta-da!! here are some ideas to do just that. Luckily, our car is quite spacious (we bought an SUV from, I can’t even imagine what life would be like if I had a smaller car.