Mommy T's adventures; bringing up Baby T

Tag: AtoZ in 100 words

Books, Blocks & Behaviour | #AtoZ in 100 words

When babyT turned 1 I felt like SuperMom. I had successfully managed to keep a tiny human alive & kicking after all. When we went to visit our Pediatrician he told us Books, Blocks & Behaviour should be the focus of our parenting.

While the first two concepts were clear we were quite intrigued. We were sure our “behaviour” was fine. Babies now begin to form their personalities & imitation was the best way of doing that. He said, “So watch your words, actions & attitudes.” Soon babyT had learnt the S@$! word & we knew we needed to behave. Continue reading

Alouette | #AtoZ in 100 words

Alouette was one of the first rhymes I sang for babyT. Even Twinkle Twinkle didn’t come as easily as Alouette did. I never understood why and maybe it is part of a bigger plan.

Alouette is a French rhyme for children where someone wants to pluck the feathers off a lark’s head (la tete,) beak (le bec,) neck (le cou,) tail (la queue) etc. Pretty inhumane but don’t call PETA just yet. It’s quite a handy rhyme to teach basic (human) anatomy. And today Alouette, Gentille Alouette is one of the most loved & most hummed rhymes sung at home.

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