Mommy T's adventures; bringing up Baby T

Category: What’s new? (Page 1 of 5)

A traveler’s guide to the best Egg Tart in Hong Kong

We spent our summer holidays in Hong-Kong. And needless to say as is the norm, we planned our trip entirely from Instagram recommendations. About a month before we travelled we searched for and bookmarked a few reels and posts about things to do, places to visit and foods to eat. Following that we received a barrage of posts full of recommendations for Hong-Kong. I guess that is the norm these days. But what stood out and soon became a mission was Egg-Tart in Hong Kong. I had to find the best one.

Hong Kong is a city where food is both an art and a tradition, and no culinary experience is complete without indulging in the iconic egg tart. From buttery shortcrust to flaky puff pastry versions, these golden delights are so irresistible that people willingly queue up for hours to taste the best. Here’s my guide to the top spots for egg tart in Hong Kong that I was able to taste and recommend.

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Fermented Dairy Free Foods: A simple recipe for school lunch

Probiotics, prebiotics seem to be all the rage these days. From food (obviously) to moisturizers, you seem them everywhere. But, I am not here to talk about face cream today. Probiotics as a vital source of nutrition is top of my mind today. For a long time I believed that we were missing out on valuable “friendly bacteria” that came from dairy sources of probiotics. However when I read more, talked to people I realized that probiotics were all around me and some already a part of our diet in the form of fermented foods.

Fermented foods have been a staple in diets across cultures for centuries, prized for their ability to enhance flavor, preserve nutrients, and promote gut health. With the rise in awareness of food intolerances, veganism, and the desire for diverse dietary options, fermented dairy-free foods have gained significant popularity. This blog post will explore the definitions of probiotics and prebiotics, list common fermented foods from around the world, and share a simple recipe for kid-friendly snacks that include fermented foods, with a special nod to Indian cuisine.

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The Magic of Mom’s Cooking – My Son’s Favourite Recipe

We all get nostalgic about the food our mother and grandmothers cooked for us. Don’t we? It takes us back to simple, innocent & carefree days of our childhood. The simple dal-chawal (rice & dal) we ate on sick days, the tasty school lunch or a special recipe made on our birthday or festive occasions. Mom’s cooking was indeed the best. Never did I imagine that I, with average cooking skills at best, especially when it came to Indian cuisine, could some day qualify for another tiny’s ‘favourite cook’ title. And that too win the title of world’s best egg curry.

I came to the realization that all moms have magic in their hands when my son proclaimed his love for the egg curry I make. He began requesting for the Egg Curry. He even proclaimed that if he ever went to MasterChef (Australia version, of course) he would cook up my egg curry . Complete with a back story on his childhood when I cooked it for him. That’s also when I began reminiscing and truly thinking if it was something special that was added to my mom’s recipes or just the fact that she hand made them. The magic ingredient being love!

So today’s post is dedicated to the ‘world’s best egg curry’ 

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‘Under The Influence’ – A surprisingly simple & practical guide to succeeding online – My Review

Miss Malini is certainly a name you have heard of before. But I felt even more connected to this lovely lady, as she took me, the reader down memory lane – back to the good old days of ICQ and when asking someone “ASL?” was the norm. This was long before we became Insta-influencers and thought it perfectly sane to share advice about the various shades of baby poop and how to wash diapers. How far have we walked down the digital revolution lane! In her latest book ‘Under the Influence’ Miss Malini talks of the perils we all face when we choose to live digital lives and are faced with our dreaded TROLLS. Not a stranger to this phenomenon, Miss Malini offers practical solutions on ‘How to Survive and Thrive Online.’

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Easy dairy free transformations for your daily favourite recipes

A steaming hot cup of tea flavoured with ginger on a cool monsoon evening, with pakodas too. A cup of frothy beaten coffee on a winter’s morning as you get ready for work or school. A wad of melting butter on a hot sizzling paratha that’s just got off the tava. Mango milkshake in the summer! Sheer Kurma in the midst of a family revelry at Eid. Now imagine having to give all this up! I can already see that frown on your face. Yes giving up dairy is hard. And even more so, giving up dairy in our daily lives and in our favourite eats. But with a little planning and patience, transforming your daily eats into dairy free delights is not that hard. can be quite satisfying. And super healthy too! The only major con is that it would taste different to what you have been used to all along – but its a matter of perspective. It can be a great new flavour that you grow to love. Let’s look at some common dairy replacements in our daily recipes.

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Dining out Dairy-free: Tips to stay safe & enjoy eating out

A major dilemma and source of stress when we want to eat out is ensuring safety of our son. Eating out can be a great source of experiencing new cultures, cuisines, meeting friends and bonding with family. Not to mention the celebrations and new experiences you get to enjoy. While we have had multiple experiences where things have gone wrong and we have had to administer medicines to our son after accidental ingestion of dairy products, we have not banned eating out. We have only learnt from it and today I would like to share some tips with you. These could help you not just if you are dairy free like us but also if you have other dietary restrictions or preferences.

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Back to Basics: Benefits of Going Dairy-free

It is estimated that around 2 to 3% of the population have a dairy allergy. 50% of children with cow’s milk allergies were also allergic to other foods. Additionally, a recent study by Hindustan Times highlighted that almost 60% of the Indian population had a lactose intolerance. Dairy allergies are more common than you may think and it becomes necessary for a large section of people to opt for dairy-free diets. In a land where milk and its allied products are considered next to God, the prospect of adopting a dairy-free diet seemed unthinkable even to us. But in practice we have realized that it may have been a God-send to not consume dairy after all – especially the milk which is far from its pure, Godly form that it once used to be. Maybe there are some solid benefits of a dairy free diet.

Yes enough research has been done to show that milk and the related products contain several nutrients that are good for the body and especially for the growth and development of children. But there are ALTERNATIVES and milk is not as essential as it is made out to be. A dairy-free diet can be healthy, nutritious and with some good planning can stand up to all the goodness and more that can come from including dairy in your diet.

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My Vipassana experience – The ‘Why?’

Scene – In the car on the way to Dhamma Pattana, Vipassana Centre at Mumbai

So the day is finally here. I’m leaving for a 10 day Vipassana meditation retreat today (29th November’23) and I’ll be back home on 10th December’23. A whole 12 days away from home, people I love, my comfort zone (or is it?), work (not a good place to be, for me) and my friends, ,colleagues et al. I am feeling nervous and anxious! This last last weekend I’ve felt pangs of anxiety, constant nausea, lost my appetite, sleep’s been erratic (isn’t it always for me?) But today as I am all set to leave I’m feeling calm, and looking forward to getting there and turning my phone in after I say my goodbyes.

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Building inclusion from the home

As the debate on same sex marriages rages in the Indian courts, it’s not just the nation but the world that watches with baited breath, on what the outcome and the aftereffects are going to be. But more than this, what is really evident is that the world is a truly diverse place, and every individual has a right to live a life of dignity and safety, experience love, and joy. What role then can we as parents play in ensuring that our children who will come in to this world a decade or two down the line, don’t have to fight for basic rights but will thrive where there is mutual respect and love?! This thought plays in my mind every time I watch or read the news these days. Moving into a role at work that focuses on diversity, equity, and inclusion has only made this a more pressing need for our family – how can we raise our child to be more inclusive?

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The morning run

I’ve never been a morning person. Early morning school when I was a kid was a nightmare. Even as a grown up, I found that I was at my best in the evenings. My energy levels suddenly went up, I had blazes of creativity (like now at 11 pm) and work would be great quality and super quickly, especially if it involved creative writing (like now, at 11 pm)

Even when we had babyT, he was never the one who would rise and shine at the Crack of dawn. Both of us would lay in, till the sun warmed our cheeks and crinkled our eyes. I would slink away from the bed and he would follow in no less than 10 minutes. Somehow, they know when you’re bodily warmth slips away from them.

So this past year when Tasmai started full-time & in person school I knew my days of that late morning start were over. Kaput, vanished into thin air just like that. Now I would have to wake up even before the sun had risen to cook up 2 meals, a snack and a treat. It gave me the shudders.

But wake up I did. Cook up elaborate meals I did. I mean freshly made pesto for pasta. Who was this woman? Salad, roti sabji, Dal rice – a full thali meal? In fact the teacher sent home a note saying, can you tone down the elaborate meals you send T, as he struggles to finish it in time. Oops!

How? I don’t know! Has my wiring changed? Have my poles interchanged? Not at all. I’m still the night owl that i am. Awake after all the lights are out. I now survive on very little sleep on weekdays. Weekends are the time to lie in.

Question to be asked is why? And it’s not as simple as just love for my child. Well mostly it is. But it’s also purely practical – T cannot consume food outside until all eating places became more conscious of food allergies and started learning that dairy free needs to be a thing. And food for kids needs to rise above cheese and butter, the so called nutrient powerhouses. That or T has grown up enough to understand the ingredients that go into cooking the meal and asking pointed questions. “Yes this is vegetarian but does it have milk cream or butter?”

Utopia is still far away, but until then, I shall wake at 530. I shall waft sleepily to the kitchen. I shall rack my brain to think of creative ways to make fun meals, and I shall wait for the weekend to laze in bed till the sun warms our cheeks. Good night!

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