Mommy T's adventures; bringing up Baby T

Category: Natural Living

An introduction to sustainable menstruation products

According to the book Flow: The Cultural Story of Menstruation, the average woman throws away 250-300 pounds of disposable period products such as pads and tampons during her lifetime. On average, it amounts to about 0.5% of the total trash thrown away by that person.

Does it make a difference to switch to reusable period products? 0.5% doesn’t really seem like a big amount. But, I’m a believer in small changes equaling a big impact on the environment. Imagine the possibilities if a reusable period product was in the hands of every single menstruating person in the world? Continue reading

#CuttingPaani – Every drop counts

The year is 3247. The Earth is no longer known as the blue planet. All its water reserves have depleted. Mankind has progressed to an extent that it is surviving on artificial forms of sustenance. Even water is sold as a freeze-dried capsule – Pni610 is the most loved brand.

This is probably science fiction today, but we could come very close to this being a reality. As the population mass increases and global warming keeps getting worse, the quantum of water available for the number of mouths to drink it will keep diminishing. If we don’t act today then we may be faced with a pretty grim future. We needed to start saving water ten years ago. That’s how serious this issue is. Continue reading

Cloth Diapers 101 – Types

Hey there! I know I’ve kept you waiting a long time since my last post on #ClothDiapers. Well, life and Mommying happened as they say. Have you ever noticed how just as you plan to do something major on your blog or in your personal sphere, things are thrown out of gear by a new baby growth spurt or teething or just general mood off? Well, that’s what happened here too. But we have kind of defeated that and here I am to talk about Cloth Diapers.

There are many kinds of people. Book people. Coffee People. Horror Movie people.

And then there are Cloth Diaper kind of people. Even within that, there are the pre-folds people, flats people, pockets people and whatever suits them kind of diaper type of people. There are also people who want to try it all (Me!). Bottomline is that cloth diapers are not a one size fits all solution. A lot depends on the individual’s comfort and convenience and baby’s needs too. But let’s make an attempt here to simplify it and tell you, realistically, about the kinds of cloth diapers that you will most likely use and want to have in your stash. So here goes…  Continue reading

World Environment Day – 5 ways you can make a difference

5th June marks World Environment Day and like most people I do stop to ponder about the impact my actions & living choice have on the world & its environment. World Environment Day is not a hallmark holiday. It is a very important and grave part of our modern lives today. We need to talk more about the Environment and the legacy we leave behind. The old Indian saying which has been quoted far too many times, rings loudly in my ears…

“We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrow it from our Children”

Before I had #BabyT I would roll my eyes at those tree hugger type of people who would advocate save trees, go green, save water and all of it was mumbo-jumbo to me. I mean how does just one plastic bag I use make a difference? Right?

Turns out I was wrong. When they put that shriveled up & pink little dumpling in my arms I was transformed. I vowed to do everything to protect him and bring him up as a good human being in a better world than you and I know today. A cleaner, greener, healthier world. And so I joined the “Hippy bandwagon” – the term hurts me sometimes, but this is what some people now refer to me as. A hippy. But the hippies are a cool lot, they spread love and harmony and did a lot for the world that they graced their brief lives with.

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