What is a universal passion that our country shares? First there’s Cricket & then maybe Bollywood. Add to it a dash of suspense and page turning mystery and you have a story that hooks you in from the start. That’s what I felt about this tale spun by the author Madhav Nayak. ‘A Murder is Fixed’ succeeds in conjuring up an evocative narrative that has the edge of seat excitement of a cricket match, the hair raising mystery of a criminal story and the ease of a comforting bunch of characters that soften the riddle of a whodunnit! I enjoyed Nayak’s debut novel and here is my review of it.
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We love Disney’s Moana. Its been over a month and we have been watching the whole movie at least once a week. We get so lost in Moana’s Motonui and Te Fiti’s heart that we almost watch it in silence, in awe of all the green shimmering sea and Maui’s tattoos. Moana has us spellbound. So when I wanted to plan some play based Moana activity for my son this month, I thought “Why not playdough trays?”
Continue readingMy 2 year old has an admirable book collection. His collection boasts the best books for 2 year olds. He has over 100 books, all carefully analysed, acquired and stored by his mummy dearest, of course. In the course of #RaisingaReader I have seen first hand, how books have opened his tiny eyes to our world, delighted him, given him comfort and calmness and so much more. While I do share a lot about our book collection on my Instagram page – MommyingBabyT , I realized my blog doesn’t have enough about our books. So starting with this month – November 2018, I plan to write a post about our favorite books of the month. Continue reading
Summer holidays are the time for meeting cousins and family spread across the miles. For children, meeting family, especially grandparents who live on the other side of the world is a joy incomparable to no other. Sadly these moments of joy also turn into heartbreak when its time to say goodbye to loved ones. I witness many such episodes of tearful goodbyes every summer or winter holidays. There is something about face to face conversations while being wrapped in the warm, comforting embrace of a grandparent. But if only it was possible to have that every day.
Julia Inserro and her family who live halfway across the globe from their own families have devised a unique way in which children can now communicate with their dear grandparents. And that is what her book, Nonni’s moon is all about. Continue reading
The beauty of children’s books is that we get transported right back to our own childhood. Leafing through page after page of colourful illustrations and simple but meaningful words and stories lets us find a moment of joy and happiness with our children. And there is so much variety on offer when it comes to children’s books – so many themes and storylines to choose from. Take, for example, children’s books for mother’s day. Continue reading
I just got back from the supermarket this evening and on the way back I saw at least some school buses entering our building compound. It was almost 7 pm. Kids trooped out of the buses, bearing a heavy school bag on their backs. They had a sullen look on their face.
This got me thinking about school and what I wanted for babyT. As any other parent would, we too want our son to study in a top-notch school and get a good education – academics as well as extracurricular activities. But there was a dearth of such schools in the suburb we lived in. He would have to travel by school bus. Continue reading
If the world of books was a wonderful place where one could get lost in time and travel to an enchanted place, children’s books are the way to get there. Parents today are increasingly introducing their babies and children to books from an early age. You would guess this would be when the children start reading. But, No. Children are being read to from the time they are as little as a newborn or even before – from the time they have been in mummy’s tummy. Continue reading
Toys! The one word that fills joy in the hearts of children and parents alike.. toys and more toys. Reflections of our own childhood take us back to the simple, wooden toys we played with – toy horses on wheels pulled by strings, a doll that opened and closed her eyes when she was laid down, steel kitchen utensil sets where we cooked elaborate meals in our mind. In our children we get to relive those days of being lost in the beautiful world of toys. And kids today have so much choice when it comes to toys. A somewhat new term that is heard often today is Open Ended Toys. And most parents are scrambling to get them… Just what are these and why should you buy more of these toys?
Alouette was one of the first rhymes I sang for babyT. Even Twinkle Twinkle didn’t come as easily as Alouette did. I never understood why and maybe it is part of a bigger plan.
Alouette is a French rhyme for children where someone wants to pluck the feathers off a lark’s head (la tete,) beak (le bec,) neck (le cou,) tail (la queue) etc. Pretty inhumane but don’t call PETA just yet. It’s quite a handy rhyme to teach basic (human) anatomy. And today Alouette, Gentille Alouette is one of the most loved & most hummed rhymes sung at home.
2 days to go until the New Year, and about 2 weeks since babyT’s birthday has passed. As with any kids’ birthday party we have received lots of toys as gifts (most of which I shamelessly asked for mind you, keeping in mind T’s developmental needs and current inventory.) But bottom line is that with the entry of all the new toys I started collecting the old ones and putting them away for future babies (not mine, of friends I meant.) And that was the perfect opportunity for me to show you what our favourite toys of 2017 were. Continue reading