Alouette was one of the first rhymes I sang for babyT. Even Twinkle Twinkle didn’t come as easily as Alouette did. I never understood why and maybe it is part of a bigger plan.
Alouette is a French rhyme for children where someone wants to pluck the feathers off a lark’s head (la tete,) beak (le bec,) neck (le cou,) tail (la queue) etc. Pretty inhumane but don’t call PETA just yet. It’s quite a handy rhyme to teach basic (human) anatomy. And today Alouette, Gentille Alouette is one of the most loved & most hummed rhymes sung at home.
Word count: 100
This blog post is a part of #AtoZ in 100 words series where Nikita of Mrs.Writes-a-Latte and a bunch of other bloggers will write 26 posts this year on topics beginning from A to Z. A short and simple way of writing, seeking inspiration & learning from each other. And challenging – because it must all happen in 100 words. Plus a picture to go with it. 🙂
Read all my posts from the #AtoZ in 100 words series here.
This is such a fun way to teach kind. Lovely idea. Looking forward to more in this series.
Oohhh Alouette Alouette Je te plumeraiii
🙂 hehe