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4 easy steps to choose the best R.O. water purifier

What is that one device for the kitchen which no home can ignore? A refrigerator? A microwave oven? A mixer-grinder? You probably answered yes to all these suggestions. But are you sure you are not forgetting something even more critical? What about the very basic need of every human being – water! The need to safeguard your family from water-borne diseases are the reasons for the growing use of water purifiers. Water purifiers are not just a luxury but a necessity in every household today. But how much do we know about which is the best water purifier and even more important, how do we choose the best one?

While most people are aware of the need for a water purification system at home, they appear to be quite clueless about how to choose an efficient and effective solution. What with so many brands available in the Indian market, this task only becomes harder. However with some forethought and goal-oriented research selecting a water purifier can become a simple task. People are beginning to check out reviews on websites such as Product Expert. Checking out the reviews of products can easily help you when it comes to trying to find the perfect water purifier. But sometimes you still might struggle as there are so many different brands that you can pick from. If you are still struggling then why not check out something like the Best Water Purifiers in India recommended by, as this will hopefully give you a better idea of what you should be looking for when it comes to water purifiers. Keep on reading to find out more information about what steps need to be taken to get the right water purifier for you and your home. .

  1. Technology used to purify water

    As with most devices today, water purifiers too come in a host of variants and differ in terms of the technology they use to purify water. While this may seem mind-boggling to a layman, it is important that he or she spend some time researching these technologies in order to deem what system will work best for their situation.

    Broadly the technology used by water purifiers are as follows:

    Gravity-based: simplest & cheapest system. Runs without electricity. Works well with soft water and where TDS (Total Dissolved Salts) levels are low.

    RO (Reverse Osmosis) technology: An RO water purifier needs electricity. Removes heavy metals, pesticides, arsenic, fluoride, cadmium and other toxic dissolved salts present in the water. On its own can remove naturally occurring, essential minerals also.

    UV (Ultraviolet) technology: has a UV bulb located inside the water purifier which kills all the viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms present in the water. However, they cannot remove the dissolved salts present in water.

    UF (Ultrafiltration) technology: It is akin to RO technology but doesn’t need electricity to operate it. Uses a very fine membrane to kill the bacteria, cysts and microbes present in water. Works well with public water supply.

    RO + UV filtration process: some brands are available in systems which have an RO UV water purifier. This works best for all types of water and quality of water obtained is very high. However again it is important to have a TDS regulator such that essential minerals are not lost. This combination may then be the best RO water purifier system.

  2. Capacity of the water purifier

    Most water purifiers come with a storage tank built in to store the water after the purification process. On average most filters range from a capacity of 5 to 8 kgs. This works well for nuclear families or small households.

    However, if you live in an extended family with several members then you may need a chlorine water filter with a higher storage capacity. Personal use (non-commercial) filtration systems do also come with capacity in the environs of 10kgs +.

    It is important to find out the right size that will suit your family before investing in a water purifier.

  3. Installation, maintenance & warranty services offered

    Most brands, especially the noteworthy ones in the market, do offer a free installation service. They have a team which gets into action the moment you buy a water purifier – be it from a brick and mortar store or online stores, which contacts you and fixes an appointment to install the system.

    They also run demos and instruct you as to how to use the water purifier to the best of its capability. This is also the time they talk to you about maintenance and most often offer a service contract. While it is easy to shy away from investing in a service contract, after all, it is man’s natural tendency to avoid insurance of any kind. But prevention is better than cure and regular servicing only works to make sure the water purifier is working to the best of its capability.

  4. Price

    The most important consideration for any investment is perhaps its price. While looking at the RO water purifier price don’t make the mistake of selecting the cheapest option – it may not be most suited to your type of water supply. Similarly don’t blindly go with the assumption that a high price means better technology. It is possible that the highest priced ones simply offer higher capacity or just come with better aesthetics. A price decision should be in line with the considerations listed above here.

Did you consider these factors when buying the water purifier for your home? I have to admit I just went with the suggestion of the salesperson at the store when I was buying the water purifier almost a decade ago and we still continue to use the same device. While this is a win for the maintenance and after sales service provided by the brand, it tells me that it may be time to upgrade our systems. This time around, I know I am better prepared to select the best one for our growing family.

1 Comment

  1. Mahendra Bhai

    Your information very useful

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