Mommy T's adventures; bringing up Baby T

Category: #AtoZ in 100 words

Finding Nemo | #AtoZ in 100 words

School begins from Monday. Today is Saturday. We have not prepared our son for school.

Enter Finding Nemo.

Skip the parts where the Clown Fish nest is attacked and all the eggs have been destroyed, save one. Nemo’s egg.

At dinner time, we played this scene from Finding Nemo to help babyT see that the first day of school is going to be fun. Waking up early (while his daddy groans), walking (or swimming) to school. Meeting new friends, and the wise (manta ray) teacher. Jumping on anemones at play time. Exploring.

Stop. That’s enough running out of school boundaries.

100 words

This blog post is a part of #AtoZ in 100 words series where Nikita of Mrs.Writes-a-Latte and a bunch of other bloggers will write 26 posts this year on topics beginning from A to Z. A short and simple way of writing, seeking inspiration & learning from each other. And challenging – because it must all happen in 100 words. Plus a picture to go with it. ?

Read all my posts from the #AtoZ in 100 words series here.

100 Words- Week 6 with Mrs. Writes a Latte

Eczema | #AtoZ in 100 words

An itch here, An itch there,
An itch too irritating to bear
Dry, flaky, angry skin
Oozing water, burning ring

Walk in dust, itch itch itch
Ingest allergen, itch itch itch
Sniff a flower, aatchoo aatchoo
Can’t breathe all night, snore zzzzzz snore!

Tubes & tubes of lotion
Tubs and bottles of creams
Every brand, you name it
Bought, tried & tossed it.

Sleeping with 4 tubes of creams
Instead of pillows for dreams
One for the fingers, one for the toes
One the steroid, and one the nose

It’ll pass as I grow
Is All I want to know!

100 words

Living with eczema, eczema in children, childhood eczema, children eczema

Eczema can afflict many babies from birth. It can be a very difficult and un-inclusive condition. Although not contagious it can be very limiting for the person suffering from it. Eczema doesn’t have a cure. It can only be managed. Life can also be very challenging for caregivers of people with eczema. My little babyT has eczema which in addition to his dairy allergy makes every day living quite a challenge. In the sheltered environment of our home, he is relatively episode free. But the outside world is a threat.

This blog post is a part of #AtoZ in 100 words series where Nikita of Mrs.Writes-a-Latte and a bunch of other bloggers will write 26 posts this year on topics beginning from A to Z. A short and simple way of writing, seeking inspiration & learning from each other. And challenging – because it must all happen in 100 words. Plus a picture to go with it. ?

Read all my posts from the #AtoZ in 100 words series here.

Living with eczema, eczema in children, childhood eczema, children eczema

Discover | #AtoZ in 100 words

Top post on IndiBlogger, the biggest community of Indian Bloggers

Choosing to stay at home to bring up my baby has brought to my eyes the wonder of discovery.

They say new age parenting is all about following baby’s cues and letting them explore and learn on their own. But I say the other perspective wins. What I gained was the discovery of how tiny beings come to BE in this world.

From the first kick of their tiny feet to their first grasp. The first attempt to turn over to that first independent step. I witnessed it all first hand. And everything is locked in my heart forever more.

100 words Continue reading

Books, Blocks & Behaviour | #AtoZ in 100 words

When babyT turned 1 I felt like SuperMom. I had successfully managed to keep a tiny human alive & kicking after all. When we went to visit our Pediatrician he told us Books, Blocks & Behaviour should be the focus of our parenting.

While the first two concepts were clear we were quite intrigued. We were sure our “behaviour” was fine. Babies now begin to form their personalities & imitation was the best way of doing that. He said, “So watch your words, actions & attitudes.” Soon babyT had learnt the S@$! word & we knew we needed to behave. Continue reading

Alouette | #AtoZ in 100 words

Alouette was one of the first rhymes I sang for babyT. Even Twinkle Twinkle didn’t come as easily as Alouette did. I never understood why and maybe it is part of a bigger plan.

Alouette is a French rhyme for children where someone wants to pluck the feathers off a lark’s head (la tete,) beak (le bec,) neck (le cou,) tail (la queue) etc. Pretty inhumane but don’t call PETA just yet. It’s quite a handy rhyme to teach basic (human) anatomy. And today Alouette, Gentille Alouette is one of the most loved & most hummed rhymes sung at home.

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